Keep in mind that not every addon may have an update available, or even require an update at all. It’s basically Curse with a new face, and it should cover just about every addon you’ve got. Likely the most convenient of these is the Twitch app, which you might recognize if you ever used the Curse app to update back in the day. There are several programs out there that will update all your addons with the push of a button. Most major addons should have updates ready to go - between the beta and the PTR, there was plenty of time to make any changes necessary. That’s no good, because there’s new stuff to play with!
Some errors can be severe enough to lock up or shut down the game before you even get started.
Battle for Azeroth’s pre-patch includes an item squish, loads of class changes, and a variety of tweaks that can and will make your addons absolutely useless if you try to log in without updating. Today’s the day! Patch 8.0 will be with us shortly - but before you log in, you’ll want to take a look at your addons.